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Child Protection Online Self-Learning Training

The Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Ordinance (the Ordinance) was passed in The Legislative Council on 11 July 2024 and published in the Gazette on 19 July 2024. The Ordinance will come into operation on the expiry of 18 months after the day on which it is published in the Gazette (i.e. 20 January 2026). To dovetail with the commencement of the Ordinance, the Government set up an e-learning platform to provide training, reference materials and information for the relevant professionals to facilitate their early identification and reporting of child abuse cases.

We would like to invite speech therapists to participate in the Child Protection Online Training. The “Child Protection Online Training” is free of charge.  The training will be conducted in Cantonese with subtitles of Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and English. Participants who complete the online training will be granted for 1.5 CPD points.

For details, please visit the following website:



Extension of the accreditation status of Speech Therapy Programme in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Master of Speech Therapy Programme): extend to Nov 2024

The Education University of Hong Kong (Master of Science in Educational Speech-Language Pathology Learning Disability): extend to Nov 2024


Endorsement period of accredited Speech Therapy Programme in Hong Kong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology): Oct 2023 – Sept 2028


Update on title for HKIST Members

Since April 2018, HKIST has been fully accredited under the Government’s Pilot Accredited Registers Scheme for Healthcare Professions and is responsible for managing the register of speech therapists. Individuals listed in the Register of Speech Therapists have been entitled to use the title of “Member of Register of Speech Therapists accredited by Department of Health”. As the government has updated the registrant titles of all accredited healthcare professional organizations, HKIST members should use the following title with immediate effect:

Chinese title: 認可名冊言語治療師
English title: Speech Therapist in Accredited Register



Extending the EHCV Scheme to include speech therapists under the Accredited Registers Scheme for Healthcare Professions

The 2022 Policy Address announced that the Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme (HCVS) would be extended to include primary healthcare services provided by speech therapists under the Accredited Registers Scheme for Healthcare Professions of the Government (AR Scheme). Subsequent to the discussions with the Department of Health, we are pleased to inform you that speech therapists who have already registered with Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists (HKIST) can now enrol to HCVS.

For enquiry, please contact us at info@hkist.org.hk.


Endorsement period of accredited Speech Therapy Programme in Hong Kong

The University of Hong Kong (Bachelor of Sciences in Speech and Hearing Sciences Programme): Jun 2019 – May 2024

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Master of Speech Therapy Programme): Aug 2018 – July 2023 (postpone 1 year to Aug 2024 due to COVID)

The Education University of Hong Kong (Master of Science in Educational Speech-Language Pathology Learning Disability): Aug 2018 – July 2023 (postpone 1 year to Aug 2024 due to COVID)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology, provisional endorsement): Jun 2020 – May 2023 (Remarks: Provisional endorsement is the highest endorsement level awarded for new speech therapy programmes)


Membership 2023 Renewal

Dear members, you may now renew the membership 2023 via our website. Please follow the steps below to complete the renewal procedure.

  1. Go to the HKIST website, then click “Log In” to enter to Membership Portal.
  2. Click “My CPD” to enter your CPD record of 2022.
  3. Go to “Renewal for Next Year”, upload your update Professional Individual Indemnity Insurance, complete the renewal declaration and membership renewal payment.
  4. Your membership 2023 renewal is completed.

Please note that if you have not renewed your membership 2022, you must submit your renewal application from 01 January 2023. Otherwise, you can only renew the membership 2022 which will expire on 31 December 2022.

Thank you very much for all your support to HKIST. If you have any enquiry, please contact us  info@hkist.org.hk.


Guidelines for Speech Therapy Service in Residential Care Homes for the Elderly and under COVID-19 Pandemic

For the guidelines for speech therapy service in residential care homes for the elderly and infection control under COVID-19 pandemic, you may refer to Guidelines and Policies for Speech Therapy Service in Hong Kong under Information to Registrants or the below quick links.

Guideline for Speech Therapy Service in Residential Care Homes for the Elderly

Infection Control Guideline under COVID-19 Pandemic



Website upgrade completed

We are happy to announce that our website upgrade has been competed. New speech therapists can now apply for the membership through our website.

For enquiry, please contact info@hkist.org.hk.


Registration application during website maintenance

Dear Speech Therapists,
Our website is undergoing maintenance, the registration application and member log-in functions are temporarily unavailable. If you would like to apply to be the Member of Register of Speech Therapists accredited by Department of Health, you can refer to the below Application Guide for details and instruction. The declaration form of no criminal conviction record form can be downloaded here. For speech therapists who have completed the professional training oversea, please contact us for further details for application.
For enquiry, please contact info@hkist.org.hk.
Thank you very much.

Application Quick Guide

Declaration of No Criminal Conviction Record


The Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists (HKAST) and Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists (HKIST) Joint Statement on Commitment to Ethical Speech Therapy Practice

Speech therapists (STs) are a group of professionals who practice in the areas of communication and swallowing disorders across the lifespan. STs are responsible for the assessment, diagnosis, rehabilitation, and prevention of communication and swallowing disorders resulting from dysfunctions of the oral, laryngeal, resonatory, respiratory, esophageal, or neurological mechanism.

At present, STs are not among the healthcare professionals that are subject to statutory registration of the HKSAR Government. Since April 2018, the Government has launched the Pilot Accredited Registers Scheme for Healthcare Professions and granted full accreditation status to the HKIST. STs who voluntarily register with HKIST are to meet stipulated educational standards and to be governed by the Code of Ethics for Speech Therapy in Hong Kong and the Continuing Professional Development Framework. HKAST, on the other hand, strives to promote and strengthen the professionalism among the speech therapists in Hong Kong since early 1980s.

HKAST and HKIST jointly reinforce the principles embodied in our Code of Ethics. Ethical speech therapy practice is a cornerstone of our standing as a profession to serve the public. All STs have shared responsibility in ensuring that the Code of Ethics are followed.


31 May 2022
Hong Kong time 7:00 pm










Statement of the Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists on selection of training materials

The Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists (HKIST) is aware of the recent publication of a picture book titled “The Twelve Warriors in Sheep Village” by the General Union of Hong Kong Speech Therapists (GUHKST). The picture book has aroused great public concerns. Members of the Legislative Council also expressed their concerns about the picture book in the Subcommittee to Study the Development of Textbooks and Teaching Materials for Kindergartens, Primary and Secondary Schools of the Legislative Council on 12 January. They pointed out that the content included strong political propaganda and requested the Education Bureau to follow up the issue. The Under Secretary for Education, Dr. Choi Yuk-lin, pointed out at the meeting that the picture book was not suitable for use as teaching materials and urged schools and parents not to use them. She further stated that if schools or speech therapists were found to use the concerned picture book as training materials, the Education Bureau would stop such use immediately and take follow-up actions seriously.

In view of this, HKIST urges speech therapists practicing in Hong Kong to refrain from using training materials with political overtones to avoid any possible legal consequences.

HKIST is established to ensure that the public could obtain professional speech therapy service from qualified speech therapists. HKIST understands and absolutely respects the diverse views and positions held by individuals on social incidents. However, HKIST reiterates that the main professional responsibility of speech therapists is to provide speech therapy service and support the communication and swallowing needs of clients. During the provision of speech therapy service, speech therapists must observe the Code of Ethics, and provide only professional information within the scope of practice of speech therapy, to prevent any potential public misconceptions about the professional image of speech therapists.



Progress on handling membership and renewal applications

We have received a large amount of membership and renewal applications for the year 2021. Our secretariat is currently making great effort in checking the documents received, and please understand that it may require an extra period of time for the procedures. Upon review by the Registration Committee, the updated list of the registered members of the HKIST would be uploaded to this website (under “Information to Public”), and a certificate of registration would be sent to the successful applicants. Please stay tuned for our news.




Reminder on the approaching deadline for application through the “grandfathering” criteria

Please refer to the following excerpt from the HKIST application guide, and note that the “grandfathering” criteria would lose effect after 31 December 2020 for new applications. New applicants may submit an online application form, provide the necessary documents and submit a pro rata membership fee of HKD 300. For details, please refer to our Quick Application Guide at https://hkist.org.hk/page/message-registrants.


2.3 Grandfathering

2.3.1 A person is eligible to apply to be Member of Register of Speech Therapists if he/ she: –

(i) holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Speech and Hearing Sciences awarded by The University of Hong Kong on or before 31 December 2020;

(ii) once has been a Full Member of the Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists on or before 31 July 2018; or

(iii) on the date on which HKIST first awarded the Certificate of Accreditation by the Director of Health to manage the Register of Speech Therapists (i.e. 19 April 2018), has carried a title of “Speech Therapist” and worked locally as a speech therapist for at least ten years.

2.3.2 A person who has fulfilled the criteria listed in 2.3.1 is eligible to apply to be Member of Register of Speech Therapists on or before 31 December 2020.


Dear Members,

We will be performing a website upgrade from 00:00am on 31 March 2022. Members will temporarily unable to login the website until further notice.

For enquiry, please contact info@hkist.org.hk.
